Core Values Mapping Session


Core Values Map ***

Desiree-energyMapSm400wThis powerful session was developed as a component of a more comprehensive program, Set Your Inner Calling Free. Because of participant results and feedback after experiencing this single session, I have made this available, as a stand alone session for a limited time.

In this extraordinary coaching session, what is most important to you will become very clear. Recognizing your core values is an important part of discovering who you are as a beloved child of God and as a member of the body of Christ.

This session will help you recognize where you may be functioning out of sync with your core values and discover the new possibilities in your map.

You will walk away with a fresh and amazing perspective on what is most meaningful to you. We will work through issues that may be keeping you from allowing your true person to emerge. The resulting one-of-a-kind work of art, interpreted and illustrated by Mary, will be yours to keep for reflection and inspiration.




  • You are ready to discover what is really meaningful to you and discover clues to your life purpose
  • The stress of life and work are keeping you from living as the person you were created to be
  • You want to be more confident and use your unique personal gifts in all you do
  • Your stress, fears, or anxiety are keeping you from being the shining version of you that may be hidden deep inside
  • You want to get in touch with yourself so you can know who you really are and what you really want in life

I am ready to start my discovery!

Reserve this session: $597 $297.

Read what Mary’s clients are saying…


Suzanne Reigle, Health & Fitness Coach

suzanne106I wasn’t sure what to expect in working with Mary and what I found is it has been the most amazing experience–a true gift in so many ways! Not only did I experience many shifts and releases but, to my surprise, finding the treasure within! WOW! Mary artistically and brilliantly brought my life to life as she put my words onto paper in such beautiful art form. The beauty of it is she guides you through breath helping you to speak from within your body, not your head. It’s your true best self revealed with no judgment! Her work is a magical way of connecting more of the dots and providing a visual of the beauty of your life right before your eyes so you not only see it, but accept it… are grateful for it, and embrace all of you as you are. Priceless. I feel expansive, truly open to possibilities and finally ready to move forward! I can’t thank Mary enough for this amazing experience! If you are ready to unlock your treasure chest and go on a creative transformational journey, this is it! [/blockquote]



Kristin Haas,

kristinH106wMary’s intuition and spiritual gifts are highly developed and she is able to tap into what I am saying underneath my words. Whenever I speak to her, I feel fully seen, heard, and understood. I feel inspired to love myself more fully and to take action steps towards an authentic life of my dreams. I recommend Mary’s process to ANYONE who desires to connect with his or her selves more fully. As well as to those who would like to connect with their Unique Life Purpose and Mission on the Planet. [/blockquote]



Jennifer Johnson,

Mary has been a blessing to my life! I have been able to discover where my values are not in sync with my life. We worked on moving these energy blocks so that I can start to make choices that are more in alignment with my core values. Some of my blocks are deep rooted, and it is so powerful to have Mary help me peel away the layers of my life! I look forward to our sessions, and how different I feel afterwards! It is amazing! I couldn’t have done it without Mary!

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