A Breath Of Life Renewed



When I was certified as a Natural Healing Life Coach, I thought that would be how I could help other people heal and transform their lives, like I had experienced a few years before. I really felt a calling to do this work. The month my coaching practice opened, I was at church and for the first time ever, I heard Jesus speak to me. “Tell them it’s me,” are the words I heard. Not understanding what exactly Jesus was asking of me, I tucked that revelation away for “ the right time.”

After two years of coaching and helping people heal through our body’s own natural ability, I realized that this wasn’t exactly what God had planned for me. (Or maybe I should say, this wasn’t HOW he planned for me to fulfill my purpose).

That message from two years before really started tugging at me.. “Tell them it’s me….”

Well, I hadn’t really done that. In fact, I was keeping Jesus out of the conversation with my clients, deep down knowing He was at the heart of all real, true healing. After all, I knew it was the Holy Spirit that healed me and my life in an instant. But I still felt unprepared to help other people heal through Christ.

I felt like I had failed – I thought this was my calling and I screwed it up! Jesus asked me to do something – and I didn’t even do what he asked! So I surrendered my coaching work to Him. I prayed that he bring people into my life to show me where he wanted me to go… (and I prayed for help making ends meet too).

In the next couple of days, an illustration client asked me to work a few substantial projects that helped us get by. (This is just one of the many times God has brought us just what we needed in times when we put our trust in him).

Over the next few months, I met people that helped me learn a tremendous amount about allowing God to transform us and heal our lives, how to listen and recognize what He is revealing to us, and how to find clues in all our life experiences that point to our purpose and God’s call for our lives.

The healing and transformation I have witnessed in the last several months makes what I experienced before in my practice pale by comparison. Thanks be to God!

Now I help women discover more about their spiritual gifts, where they are on their calling journey, and gain clarity around their very special life purpose, all while releasing what keeps them from walking the beautiful path designed for them.


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